Mobile App Development


Mobile Framework

Mobile devices continue to evolve at such a rapid pace that it presents a unique business challenge. ATRI will help you take on this ever-changing challenge by using our balanced understanding of frameworks. Therefore, we are your solution to developing cross-platform apps.

Building applications that are customized to meet the unique needs of your business is a very extensive process involving coding for each platform, each of which requires a different coding language. There are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, web apps using HTML 5 and CSS3 are universal and many businesses choose this route. However, the limitations of using that approach cause severe visibility problems in the app marketplace. So we have started using a third approach – which is to develop apps using HTML5 or CSS3 but they build this single source code into numerous installable applications that are uniquely designed for each platform. These types of applications are known as hybrids.

ATRI develops these cross-platform hybrid apps and customizes them for your unique business needs, but we understand that hybrids might not be the solution for everyone. Therefore, we start off by identifying the best path for your unique business and come up with an effective strategy.

A common workaround is to use a cross-platform framework when three or more operating systems must be supported. Contact us today to learn which solution is right for your unique business.

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